Tag Archive | cordyceps

Post-COVID Pneumonia Recovery: A Dietary, Herbal, Supplemental & Lifestyle Protocol

“What protocol did you use for your husband that helped his post-COVID pneumonia recovery?” I have been asked this question a lot and wish to share with you what I have learned.

Everyone is unique in how their immune system responds to an illness. Therefore, without knowing a person’s history, or herstory, I cannot make specific recommendations other than what I have shared in this post. But I can share what my experience has been working within my own family.

One of the things that I learned is that COVID pneumonia is eosinophilic pneumonia. It responds very well to corticosteroids. They admitted my husband to the hospital with septic pneumonia after having never had any lung issues or even bronchitis.  After six days in ICU on high flow oxygen and a BiPap ventilator, he had a bronchoscopy performed. They had been unable to wean him off the oxygen, and it was frightening. I knew that the high percentage of oxygen he was on for so many days could cause lung damage, and he does indeed have scarring of the lungs as a result.

The bronchoscopy results showed eosinophils, and they started IV steroids (prednisone) which turned him around immediately. He spent eight days in ICU and ten days in the hospital.

When he came home the goal was to get him off the steroids as quickly as possible because their damaging effects on the adrenal cortex are well known. It took longer than we thought, about six months. He also needed to build back his strength from having lost a lot of weight and muscle mass. It is a difficult thing to witness.

The strategy that worked for him is as follows:


• Bone broths are nourishing and provide protein and collagen for rebuilding tissue. Collagen is also healing to the gut and supportive to the joints. In Chinese Medicine the connection between the stomach (Earth Element) and lungs (Metal Element) is well known. I made organic beef and chicken bone broths from scratch, adding carrots, celery, onion, russet potatoes, bay leaves, and juniper berries. I also added the following Chinese herbs:

  1. Polygonatum (Solomon’s Seal/Yu Zhu) moistening to the lungs and helps with dry cough. Click here to learn more.
  2. Chinese yam (Shan Yao) strengthens the spleen and stomach, nourishes the kidneys, treats body fatigue.
  3. Astragalus root (Huang Qi) strengthens the immune system.
  4. Jujube/Date (Da Zao) spleen and stomach tonic, also helps to moderate the actions of other herbs in a formula

• Unsweetened apple sauce and easily digestible food

• No sugar, gluten, dairy, alcohol or caffeine


• Vit. C, 1000 mg. 3x/day

• Stress B Complex

• Quercetin with Bromelain

• Vit. D, 2,000 iu, 3x/day

• Vit. A, 10,000 iu, 1x/day

• Vit. E, 400 iu, 3x/day

• Selenium, 200 mcg, 1xday

• Zinc, 50 mg, 2x/day

• Potassium 99 mg/day

• Curcumin, approx. 1,000 mg/day

• Omega 3’s as directed

• Probiotics as directed

• Magnesium (glycinate) 400 mg/day

• Calcium (Oyster Shell) 6oo mg 2x/day


• Hawthorne Supreme (Gaia Herbs) (for heart health)

• Cordyceps (sinensis – only!) 2 Tbsp. dissolved in water, 4x/day. Cordyceps sinensis became the most important thing he took to help wean himself off the steroids, heal his adrenals, and regain energy levels.

• Herbal Decoction to help calm cough and reduce congestion, which continued for many months: In one quart of water, place 1-2 pieces of licorice root, 5-6 cloves, 1-2 petals of star anise, 5 pieces of ginger (wide slices), and 1 cinnamon stick. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer partially covered for 20-30 minutes. Strain and drink 1-2 cups daily or as needed. Also warming to the gut (carminative).

• Aloe Vera, Inner Filet, 2 oz 1-2x/day (alkalizing and moistening to the gut)


• No stress

• lots of sleep

• walking every day

• laughter and friendship

My husband is incredibly compliant and remained diligent with his routine. We had to get food stamps for a few months to see us through, and the stimulus checks helped while he wasn’t working. After going back to work five months later, lingering congestion, a deep cough, and constant throat clearing dogged him. I feared pulmonary fibrosis. He was diagnosed with GERD and prescribed a PPI. We knew we weren’t going to go that route. I suspected candida overgrowth from days of IV antibiotics in the hospital. Our chiropractor confirmed candida. A series of candida cleanses ensued without the results he had gotten from them in the past. Two rounds of CandAid (see resources below) set him straight. He still has to be diligent with wheat, gluten, and dairy.

I will be eternally grateful that he survived his ordeal. I couldn’t have done it without the support of family and friends. A big shout out to my dear friend Nissa who shared the correct cordyceps dosage (far more than one might have employed otherwise), which she learned from her herbalist and Stephen Harrod Buhner’s partner. That is the magic of healing and herbalism – wisdom shared among the many. And dosage is important!

My husband now walks over five miles each day and is as fit as I have ever known him. And we have grown closer. It is the kind of closeness that comes when you think you could lose someone you hold so dear. We were sent angels and now I send them to you…


Learn more about the Wisdom of the Five Elements at Five Element Academy

Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia, Merk Manual

CandAid Candida support

Chinese Soup Herbs, Plum Dragon

Cordyceps Powder

1st Chinese Herbs

Note: If you have further questions about dosages, brands, etc. please consider booking a consultation. Everyone has individual needs.